Sunday, 29 April 2012

New work

This piece is the first in a "conscious" series that i am making at the moment. In this piece i am consciously decorating something that does not look very appealing to an eye in order for it to become more pleasant. Here, as the skull represents death i have chosen to decorate it with flowers, which are the representation of life to try and completely revert the meaning. Its up to the audience to decide if it worked or not.

Lucian Freud at The National Portrait Gallery

I have recently been to a show by Lucian Freud at the National Portrait Gallery.

I have generally enjoyed the show, as the paintings were very skilful and had a lot of character in them, it will now be impossible to not recognise his work somewhere else. All his paintings have a feel of him in them and at the same time, they have a lot from the models. They are more than portraits, they show the persons soul, i thought.

But what i have really enjoyed is Freud's early work, when the portraits are just a little more than a fascination with flesh, the have a slight psychedelic feel in them which i thought was very interesting. His earlier work also has more colour in it which i like too.

Monday, 23 April 2012

New work - My window

This work came out as a continuation of my "conscious" works that i have been making recently. The major difference is that here i am not trying to beautify something not regarded as beautiful but decorating something to show what is inside. According to one russian saying "eyes are a window to ones soul". In this case, to mine.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Introductory Lectures on Psycho - Analysis by Sigmund Freud.

This is a book that i have been and am reading to help me with understanding true motives of me making my artwork.
The book itself is interesting, but the fact that most of his theories were right at the time he wrote the book, now have changed and evolved is slightly confusing as i am not sure if i can actually take any real knowledge and understanding of psycho - analysis from reading it.
Here, i end up with a slight concern if i should read any modern psycho-analytic theories and modern psychology books?
I think that reading Freud is definitely something very good for my general education, but would this book really help me with what i am working on at the moment?

Damien Hirst at TATE Modern

Today i have been to see the show by Damien Hirst and although i do not particularly like his work, i find a lot of it interesting in its meaning.
My favourite works at the show were:

 a piece where butterflies would hatch, feed, fly around and die. Except for the death part, i found it really beautiful.
And also i really enjoyed the statue of an angel, that in places has its inside on the show - the bones, muscle, e.t.c.

I thought that although it shows its insides, it still looks beautiful. Also, the skull and all the bones connect to the piece i have recently done - the one with flowers made of bones and it will also connect to another piece i have in my mind to make soon.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Yayoi Kusama at TATE Modern.

I have already been to a show by Yayoi Kusama recently in Paris, but, because she is one of ,y favourite artists i could not miss the one at TATE. Actually, after visiting the show, i have realised that the two shows had slightly different works in there which was a nice bonus. Also, i could not have missed this show as i was sure that TATE would have my favourite work of her - "Infinity Mirrored Room - Filled With The Brilliance Of Life". (seen above, taken from internet)

I become really happy just standing in that installation and looking around, i would absolutely love to have a room like that at home for meditation, i think that that environment kind of exacerbates all your senses and it is a great and absolutely mesmerising experience altogether. This is exactly why i will go to this show at least once more while it is still on at the TATE.

The London Print Fair

 This is another very interesting show i have recently been. It was amazingly big with prints and etchings from very old till contemporary with many well known artists like Andy Warhol, Miro, or Damien Hirst.

But my favourite artists from the prints i have seen would be Ramiro Fernandez Saus with his prints of different cats. This is mainly because i like cats a lot but also because of his naive and even childlike style, which made these prints sort of like a memory from childhood. One print is shown below (image from internet).
 The other artist who's work i have really enjoyed was Harland Miller with the prints you can see below. I really like the colour of these and the fact that the paint is dripping, which makes these not completely serious and also what is written on them i found humorous.

New Works