Recently i came to the point where i was a bit lost with my work but then i have done some reading and quite a lot of thinking and i came to this point, where i saw that being a perfectionist in life, i transfer it to my artwork, trying to beautify and maybe even simplify things that happen around me and my reactions to them. It is like decorating the reality that i have, which i tried to do more consciously in my latest work, that i am doing at the moment. I took a plastic copy of a human skeleton - a core part of a human, but not a very appealing thing to sight, maybe even slightly scary and sometimes associated with death. And i have tried to make the bones of a person look like something else to make it more appealing to sight of a viewer, in this work - flowers.
I have looked at work of Francois Robert ( which you can see on the right), who also uses human bones to make his work, but he uses them in a different way - first, he uses the bones flat, to arrange compositions of them rather than 3D structure, which i did. And second, and more important is that he exaggerates the bones even more by shaping them as weapons which makes it a very strong reference to war and death, where i am trying to make a death associated bones to look like flowers and hide their true meaning to some extent.
I will add a photograph of my piece upon finishing.